Communications Voice - HF, VHF Datalink - Acars, SITA
SITA - services and coverage maps |
Navigation PBN/Performance Based Navigation RNP/Required Navigation Performance BRNAV/Basic Area Navigation
RNP - a background, and its use in US Oceanic Airspace Current - Issued Jun09 Published by the FAA A brief synopsis of RNP, its development, and the usage and changes in Oakland, WATRS, Miami ARTCC. |
PBN Implementation Plans: - AFI/Africa Region
"Waypoints" - The newsletter of the ICAO PBN taskforce
PBN Implementation Roadmap - India
Surveillance Primary Radar Multilateration |
Multilateration 2009 Published by ERA A presentation on the possibilities of Multilateration - the fast growing alternative and possible replacement for Radar |
ADS-B deployment plans in Europe
FAA ADS-B program status for the US
Airbus status on ADS-B out 2007 Published by, funnily enough, Airbus |
Boeing Perspectives on ADS-B 2008 Published by Boeing |
Report on the operational trial of Waypoint Reporting (FMC WPR) Current - Issued Mar08 Published by the ISPACG In October 2007 Airways New Zealand and Air New Zealand commenced an operational trial of Waypoint Reporting (FMC WPR) in the Auckland Oceanic FIR. A number of airlines routinely receive ACARS position reports from their aircraft via satellite as part of their Airline Operational Control (AOC) flight monitoring. These position reports can be forwarded to an ATS provider and used to replace HF voice position reports. This method of delivery for aircraft position reports is known as Flight Management Computer Way Point Reporting (FMC WPR) |
ATM - Air Traffic Management | Modernising the US Oceanic ATC System 1998 Published by NATCA An older document now, but provides an interesting look at the Oceanic ARTCCs. |
Evaluating the European Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) 2008 Published by Eurocontrol |