Caribbean and South American Basic Air Navigation Plan (Basic ANP) Current Published ICAO A detailed document providing a good source of information for Airspace, Navigation, Communications, and ATC in South America. |
Caribbean and South American Basic Air Navigation Plan (Facilities and Services) Current - Issued Jun09 Published ICAO Part 2 of the ANP, contains specific facilities information for Airports in South America, and some useful planning charts. |
ATC Operations in Brazilian Airspace Current - Issued Jun07 Published by IFALPA Pilot orientated bulletin following an incident in 2007. |
Caribbean/South America RVSM Concept of Operations Current - Issued Oct03 Published by ICAO An ICAO document detailing the introduction of RVSM in South America and the Caribbean. |
Interim Procedures for monitoring RVSM in Dakar and Alantico FIRs Issued 2007 Published by IFALPA Background to a recommendation to contact these ACCs 5 mins prior to boundary crossing. |