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Afghanistan: Air Traffic Rights, Overflight, and Landing Permits








>> Afghanistan
Other Countries

Country Details

Overflight Permits required for all flights. Landing permit /PPR required for all flights. Military and civilian aircraft supporting ISAF shall obtain PPRs (and slot times for non PPR airfields) by submitting a MRF to the Allied Movements Coordination Centre (AMCC ISAF). Exception: rotary wing, Theatre based (ISAF CJSOR) and US aircraft. These aircraft should obtain PPRs through their C2 organization or directly from the airfield. If unable to coordinate via C2 or airfield directly, any transport aircraft supporting ISAF may coordinate for PPRs through AMCC ISAF




National Civil Aviation Authority:

Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation



Ansari Watt
P.O. Box 165









Permit Types available through World Air Ops:

Non-scheduled Overflight Permit for Afghanistan

Non-scheduled Landing Permit for Afghanistan

Scheduled Airline Overflight Permit for Afghanitan (Season Block)

Diplomatic Clearance / Diplomatic Overflight and Landing Permit Afghanistan




How do I get a permit?

Simply click the Contact Us button below, and we will be with you within 15 minutes. Applications can be made on your behalf same day, and expedited service is available depending on the type of flight.


What documents do I need?

For the majority of one-off permit applications, we will require a PDF copy of the following:

- Aircraft Certificate of Registration

- Aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness (If restricted please supply details)

- Insurance Certificate showing worldwide coverage or country specific coverage

- Pilot License and Medical



Airline, Flight Ops, and Pilot Assistance
Our target response time is 15 minutes. Contact us - we are here to help.



Contact us



Contact us


15 minute response

Have a question about permits? We know that you probably want an answer fast. Our response target time is 15 minutes.


If you prefer, you can email us at [email protected] or call us on +1 647 846 2340 - press 1 for operations.
























» email [email protected]


US/Canada: +1 (647) 340 9340
Ireland: +353 76 680 1030
New Zealand: +64 3 288 0004



Head Office:
World Air Operations Ltd.

1 Yonge St., 18th Floor,
Toronto, M5E 1W7, Canada.